Indian Railways recruit thousands of candidates each year for various posts in its different departments. Indian Railways do the recruitment in a decentralised manner but with a centralised notification. There are in total 21 Railway Recruitment Boards (RRBs) that carry out the task of recruitment across the nation. The candidates need to fill the recruitment application form online and appear for the computer-based test (CBT) followed by other essential skill tests required for some positions.
The Railway Recruitment Board conducts the RRB Exams. RRB recruitment is a highly competitive annual process. The RRB Exams 2023 recruitment for different exams will be announced through the official notification.
Railway Recruitment Exams in India are conducted for technical and non-technical positions. The positions are:
Paper | Subject |
1 | General Awareness, General Intelligence and Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude |
2 | General Awareness, Mathematics, General Intelligence and Reasoning |